Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Get Your Ex Back in 17 Days

Are you wondering how to get your ex back?

I know I did. Getting back the love of your life who just walked out on you seems like a difficult task. But it's actually pretty simple - all you need to do is follow the right step-by-step guide.

You may scoff at the idea of there being reconciliation guides. After all, every break-up is unique - right? Wrong! Although the circumstances of every break-up are indeed unique, all separations have certain commonalities to them. Both you and your ex are still human beings (I hope), and, as such, you're driven by the same emotions as the rest of us.

That's why there are many relationship advisors out there - experts who can put a relationship back together no matter why the break-up occurred. These people know exactly how to get your ex back - and they use a selection of reconciliation techniques that usually rely on reverse psychology and are therefore applicable in almost any situation. In this post, I will demonstrate the single most powerful of such techniques that all expert relationship advisors are aware of - the so-called "No Contact".

What is "No Contact"? As the term implies, it involves severing all communication with your ex for a defined period of time, usually at least two weeks. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but it's one of the reasons this technique works so well - it does exactly the opposite of what your ex expects you to do! Instead of begging her for another chance, you act as if she doesn't even exist and move on with your life - even as she's left contemplating exactly what had happened and whether living without you what she really wanted after all.

As I explain in my article on how to get your ex back, "No Contact" is both effective and beneficial. Not only does it get you your ex back, but it also allows you to recover emotionally after what is often a terrible break-up. This is because by cutting your ex out of your life for two weeks, you win the breathing space you need to pull yourself back together and start putting back the pieces of your life. Bouncing back after a break-up is never easy - but it is downright impossible if your ex is still a part of your life and every time you think you're about to start healing, her existence alone sets you back again and again.

Healing after a break-up is usually not that difficult, provided your ex isn't there to mess things up. The key is to rebuild your social life as well as start finding satisfaction in doing things that you couldn't do while still dating your ex. Reconnecting with friends is usually a surefire way to get your social life up and running, if only because friendships are usually the first thing to get neglected when we get into a serious relationship. Hitting the gym and focusing on your career are all equally good ways to not only start leading a healthier and more productive lifestyle, but also to stop thinking about your ex. Finally, don't forget to indulge your guilty pleasures every now and again - particularly if it means doing something you couldn't do without being single. For example, when my ex broke up with me, I suddenly discovered that I now had enough time on my hands to focus on World of Warcraft - a great game that I couldn't play as much as I wanted because of the time requirements of being in a relationship. Remember that every cloud has a silver lining - and finding the latter in your break-up will make the whole thing much more tolerable.

Now that you're on your way to emotional recovery, what's going to happen to your ex? As I explain in my article on how to get your ex back, she will find living without you a nightmare - and her desperation will, more often than not, drive her back in your arms before you know it. To discover exactly how that happens, click on the link above to read the article in its entirety and see how you can get your ex back in as little as 17 days.